Airport Parking Shop News

Major site changes that could affect your booking or an update on what we're up to - here's where you can check in to see the latest Airport Parking Shop news.

Meet one of our longest serving parking providers; APH!

  • 13 Nov, 2015
  • Alice Fowler
  • No Comments


We thought it might be quite nice to introduce you to one of our longest serving parking providers; APH!

We’ve been working with APH since 2003 – they were in fact our very first provider! So not only has Airport Parking Shop turned 12, our partnership has also turned 12, time flies! In case you missed it, we also attended the Henley Travel Industry Day with them back in the Summer. Read More

Hacker News broke our site – how Nginx and PageSpeed fixed the problem

  • 24 Mar, 2015
  • Ray Viljoen

Construction cartoon

Following a surge of traffic from Hacker News which overloaded our servers, we re-built our hosting stack using the latest best practices for high performance browser networking resulting in 94/100+ scores on Google PageSpeed Insights, and A+ scores on SSL Labs. In this post we will share how we did it.

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Discover how we built our app in 2 weeks using Ionic Framework

  • 11 Nov, 2014
  • Ray Viljoen

Discover how we built our app in 2 weeks using Ionic Framework

Airport Parking Shop is an established online comparison website that’s just celebrated its 11th year. Over the past few years we have watched as mobile (and tablet) usage has soared from just 8% of our traffic in October 2011 to 44% in October 2014. We couldn’t ignore this trend and so earlier this year we took the plunge and completely rebuilt our site with a mobile friendly responsive design.

Despite now having a very functional and mobile optimised site, with mobile use set to exceed 50% in the next few months, the next logical step was to offer our mobile users a more native experience so we decided build a dedicated app for both Android and iOS.

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