We want travelling to be for everyone, so we've done several in depth and specific reports into what it's like to travel when you have a medical, or mental, condition. Whether it's what airports could be doing to improve the experience for passengers or tips to make the journey smoother, we're passionate about making things easier.

Before we start, we would like to thank Diane Danzebrink for assisting us with this article. Diane is a therapist and wellbeing consultant, founder of menopausesupport.co.uk and the #MakeMenopauseMatter campaign.
Travelling can be a stressful experience as it is but those that suffer from menopause can find it even more challenging. Just the thought of leaving the house can seem daunting so the idea of actually going to another country might leave you feeling anxious and overwhelmed. To give you the confidence to travel, we’re created a helpful guide about travelling with menopause, as well as tips to manage symptoms when travelling. Read More

So you’ve got a holiday and your child has caught chickenpox! Now what? Do you cancel the holiday? Or can you still fly? What are the rules regarding flying with chickenpox? Well, you don’t need to worry anymore! We’ve created a helpful guide below about flying with chickenpox!
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The thought of travelling conjures many emotions; you’d usually associate it with happiness and excitement, however, when you’re disabled or a person with reduced mobility (PRM), those feelings can quickly turn to apprehension and nerves. One of the biggest worries is how to get from your wheelchair and into your airplane seat in a dignified and comfortable way, as sometimes it doesn’t go too smoothly… Read More

Accessibility of public places is of utmost importance, and airports are no exception! With this in mind, we’ve compiled a list of the Changing Places facilities at UK airports that are already installed and available for access. This is an ongoing list and is being updated when we can so if you know of one that’s missing below, please leave us a comment!
This piece was last updated in February 2023
What is a Changing Place?
Changing Places is a campaign on behalf of people who are unable to use standard accessible toilets. Changing Places are usually more spacious and fitted with advanced equipment, such as a height adjustable changing bench and a hoist; they provide disabled users, family members and carers a private, comfortable and hygienic space. Read More

Should I be flying when pregnant? When is it safest to? Will I cause any harm to my unborn baby? These are just some of the thoughts women may have when flying whilst pregnant, so we thought a quick guide to help put your mind at ease would be just what the doctor ordered. Read More