Flying with Medical Conditions | Airport Parking Shop Blog - Page 4 of 4

Flying with Medical Conditions

We want travelling to be for everyone, so we've done several in depth and specific reports into what it's like to travel when you have a medical, or mental, condition. Whether it's what airports could be doing to improve the experience for passengers or tips to make the journey smoother, we're passionate about making things easier.

Airport Parking for People with Disabilities & Special Assistance requirements

  • 27 Jun, 2014
  • Franki Napolitano

Coping with the hassle of airports is always stressful, but spare a thought for the millions of travellers with disabilities and special needs who find the whole experience even more of a headache.

Airports and airlines have become increasingly been doing more to help those with special assistance once you are in the terminal but, but what about parking? Will, there be anyone to help, and what needs to be done ahead of arrival to make sure it all works smoothly? So, we thought we’ll investigate and find out all you need to know about blue badge airport parking! 

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