Get ready to fly with our travel tips. We dive into where you might be seated on the plane, what the best suitcase might be for your trip and how to use your luggage allowance to your advantage.
Let’s face it, ski holidays are not known for being the most relaxing holidays. Compared with your list of essentials for a beach holiday, when you look at what you need to take with you for skiing you can see straight away that it is more complicated than a holiday lying on a beach reading a good book! The journey is generally more stressful too – long, uncomfortable transfers to get up the mountains to your ski resort, unpredictable weather conditions and endless traffic jams are what are often in store. For some expert advice we teamed up with Snowplaza who kindly put together some helpful tips to make your ski holidays as stress-free as possible. Read More
Jet lag, or desynchronosis to give it its proper medical name, is a physiological condition resulting from a disturbance to the body clock when travelling rapidly from one time zone to another. Passengers travelling by ship are less likely to be affected as their body clocks have longer to adjust, but for travellers flying across different time zones it can be a real problem and the further you go the worse the effects are. Read More
There is nothing more annoying than arriving at the airport to discover that your flight has been significantly delayed. Don’t take it lying down: read on to see whether you are entitled to assistance such as free calls, free food and free accommodation or even a cash sum in compensation.
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If you have young children who haven’t yet reached school age, you might find yourself craving a sunny break at any time of year. Whether it’s for a spontaneous getaway or a planned holiday, taking a trip with a baby or toddler can be a wonderful experience—and with the right preparation, it can be a stress-free one, too. Packing for a flight with little ones can feel overwhelming, especially if it’s your first time traveling abroad with a baby or toddler. To make things easier, we’ve gathered some tried-and-tested tips to ensure a smoother journey. We’ve even included a free downloadable list of items to pack to make sure you don’t miss anything!
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