It's not all airport parking and travel here! At Airport Parking Shop, we have a fun side too.
Check out our trivia blogs, fun quizzes and pass-the-time blogs for those moments when you need a bit of light-hearted fun!

Airports have some pretty ridiculous names, including naming them after a city they are over an hour away from (London Southend Airport amongst many!), and some that do encourage a chuckle (Moron Airport?), but did you know about these airports with the longest names? We’ve got the top 5 longest airport names according to World Airport Codes for your enjoyment, and just to add to your excitement there’s a fun quiz to take at the end!
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We’ve all had that sinking feeling when you step on the plane, or in the taxi departing the airport where you realise there’s something missing. There’s nothing worse than knowing there’s absolutely nothing you can do about it for the time being! Whether it’s a suitcase, an iPhone, your favourite book, your wallet or your sunglasses, it’s all extremely frustrating. Most airports have a lost and found system in place, and Heathrow Airport use, where you can log in and register something as lost, or see if it has been found at the airport.
We had a skim through the items there and found some pretty great things that people have left behind at Heathrow Airport! Read More

Everyone’s getting into the festive spirit this year, and airports and airlines around the world do not want to be left out. Snuggle up in your favourite Christmas jumper, grab a mince pie and settle in to experience some of the best Christmas themed events at airports! You might want to grab a box of tissues too, if you happen to be prone to the waterworks! Read More