APC Meet and Greet Luton
Compare and pre-book this car park at Luton airport to save up to 60% off gate prices.
From all directions follow signs to Luton Airport. On arrival, make your way to the Short Term Car Park/Meet & Greet Area at London Luton Airport. Here you will be met by the APC Driver, who will complete a check & handover of your car which will then be driven to our secure compound for the duration of your trip.
Arrival procedure
Please call the car park 10 minutes prior to your arrival at Luton Airport.
Return procedure
Please call the number provide once you have left the terminal building and make your way to the Short Term Car Park/Meet and Greet Area, where your APC driver will complete the return check and handover of your car for your onward journey.
You are required to pay the exit fee of £4.00 for leaving the airport.
All APC drivers are fully insured to drive your vehicle. When your car is collected a driver will take it to a fully secure compound.
Additional information
Please note: Bookings for this car park cannot be cancelled or amended.
Extra £4.00 to be paid for car park exit on your return.
If you arrive more than 30 minutes either side of the time stated on the voucher, the booking may be refused.
This does not apply on your return. ie If your return flight is delayed/early.