Manchester Indoor Park n Ride
Compare and pre-book this car park at Manchester airport to save up to 60% off gate prices.
Please check your email confirmation for details.
Arrival procedure
Upon arrival at the car park a representative will be there to meet you, your vehicle will be booked in and then the shuttle bus will take you in comfort to the terminal you are travelling from.
Return procedure
Simply make your way to the pickup point and then phone to let us know you are ready to be collected as our shuttle bus service is not a scheduled service it is available on demand.
The site is manned 24hrs a day with regular dog patrols and is fully secure and we have the safe parking Park Mark award on our car park.
Additional information
Clients have to leave their keys with the car park.
Indoor Park n Ride*
This option includes a £10.00 surcharge for bookings made within 24 hours of travel.