Manchester Airport Multi-Storey T1 Parking | Get A Quote

Manchester Airport Multi-Storey Terminal 1

Book now from £129.43 for 7 days parking.
£38.62 per day Last 7 days Average Price

This car park is situated within the airport complex and the terminal is accessed by way of a covered walkway, meaning that customers are not exposed to the elements at any point. Disabled bays are available and the car park has received the Park Mark award for its security. No vehicles over 2 metres in height can be accommodated.


Exit the M56 at Junction 5 and follow the signposts for Terminals 1 and 3. Go straight ahead at the first set of traffic lights, you will see the Hilton Hotel, followed quickly by Bewleys Hotel, on your left hand side. Take the ramp up to the left and enter the car park under the sign 'Multi Storey' on the right hand side.

The postcode for Terminal 1 MSCP is M90 3PY

Arrival procedure

Please check your booking confirmation for details.

Drive up to the barrier, which will recognise your number plate and rise automatically. An orange token automatically be issued. Take the token and park in any space.

If a token does not appear in the slot, scan the QR code on your confirmation, wait for a beep and a token should appear. If there is still no token, press the intercom for assistance and quote your reference number.

Do not press the green flashing button as this is for customers who have not booked.

Please ensure that you have your car park booking reference to hand.

Departure procedure

Please check your booking confirmation for details.

Drive to the barrier, insert your token and it will lift automatically.

If you've stayed longer than you booked for, you'll be prompted to make payment using the chip and pin device.

If you encounter any problems, press the intercom for help.

Please ensure that you have your car park booking reference to hand.


This car park has been awarded the Park Mark for safer parking. Park Mark awarded parking areas are run by responsible operators who are concerned with your safety and the safety of your vehicle. You are parking in an area that has been vetted by the police to make sure that the site has had measures put in place to create a safe environment.


Parking is at the vehicle owner's own risk, and subject to the printed terms and conditions of the individual car park.

Disabled facilities

Our car parks are DDA compliant, so all disabled customers are able to park in suitable places.

Additional information

If you're delayed picking your car up, you'll need to pay for the extra parking at the car park's normal rate (which is more expensive than the price you pay when you book with us). If you pick your car up early, unfortunately we can't give you a refund.

A height restriction of 2.0 metres.

Manchester Airport Multi-Storey Terminal 1 reviews

Our average review score for Manchester Airport Multi-Storey Terminal 1 is 4 from 234 reviews.
Tony Marples

Actually finding the entrance to T1 parking is a joke. Several cars couldn't find the entrance and ended up having to pay £3 just to go round again and have another try. Second time round, still confused, stopped & asked a taxi driver where the entrance was. Head to the left towards the NO ENTRY sign, and take a very sharp, almost hidden, turn left, et voila!
March 18, 2019

Margaret Holland

T1 multi is great because you can just walk in to the airport no stress. The signage is not good this is stressful. Our paperwork said you must park in short stay up the ramp but it does not say short stay, it says multi-storey. Our reg was not recognised but it gave us a token and the barrier went up. On our return we arrived at the barrier and it would not accept the token on the screen it said the fee to pay was £775.00. We pressed to speak to the operator, he took all our details and said we should not have been given a token? They still had our car booked in from a trip we had taken in September once we explained this was a new booking and we had already paid online he lifted the barrier and off we went. Upsetting and stressful when you have previously booked and paid online. My strong advice print all paperwork keep it to hand entering and leaving the car park.
October 10, 2018

Stephen O'Brien

I have been in worse multi-storey car parks, but not many. This is not suitable for an airport. The spaces are too small, there is not enough information. The entrance and exits are too narrow; the guy in front of me could not reach the machine and then couldn't open his door, he ended up leaning precariously out of his window. It is like a car park from the sixties.
October 4, 2018

Jaskiran Sandhu

Got to the car to find it broken into and valuables that we’d hidden inside the glove compartment taken. This was level 11 green and I got to the car early hours of Monday morning. The security were surprised when I pointed out other cars that had also been done. It’s laughable that I was doing their job!! It’s a complete shambles and an utter disgrace. Got the response from the police that they can’t investigate it further and a reply from Manchester Airport that they can’t offer any recompense. Forget the valuables at least refund the parking cost!!!! Absolute joke. Avoid at all costs.
September 7, 2018

Joanne Smithe

Arrived back to car in early hours of this morning to find car had been broken into, along with at least 6 others on Level 11 Green. Lots of window glass on other levels suggests this is happening to multiple cars on a regular basis. No way is that many cars an strange occurance as customer support tried to fob me off with. I have used Birmingham car parks and East Mids on many occaisions as I am a frequent flyer, never seen cars done over there. This carpark is not safe to leave your car. Just look at the amount of glass and how many cars have plastic covers over broken windows, the only thing they do after it has been broken into. No security patrols and no cameras, if there was then these break ins would not be so high in number.
July 9, 2018

(234) reviews