Manchester Ringway Ride Meet and Greet
Compare and pre-book this car park at Manchester airport to save up to 60% off gate prices.
The postcode for Manchester Airport is M90 1QX, each terminal has the same postcode as each terminal is only a few minutes away from each other. Please call the number which is printed on your booking confirmation 30 minutes prior to your arrival at Manchester airport.
Arrival procedure
Please call the number on your booking confirmation 30 minutes prior to your arrival at Manchester Airport. Please call Ringway Ride when you are 30 minutes away from the terminal. They will meet you in the drop off zones of the relevant terminal.
Return procedure
Please call once you have collected your luggage. Ringway Ride will meet you back where you first left your vehicle for terminal 1 and 3. For terminal 2, the airport request that they will meet you in the multi storey car park opposite the building.
A £4 charge is payable to the airport when exiting the terminal car park.
All drivers are fully insured to drive your vehicle. When your car is collected the driver will take it to a fully secure compound, where your car will remain until your return. The car park is equipped with CCTV and is a Park Mark Approved car park.
Additional information
An additional £4 airport access fee is payable in order to exit the terminal area, this is payable locally on both arrival and return.
Overall a good experience, the driver was waiting, as agreed as we arrived at the drop off zone. On return my car was delivered to the short stay car park within ten minutes. My only concern was I had slight difficulty understanding the drivers, who were very good and courteous but were heavily accented.
The service was very good and I would use again. However I, like many others, agree that the system at Manchester Airport is an absolute rip off charging both in £4 and out £4.50 for only minutes in the parking areas.
August 30, 2019
The driver was waiting gif me at drop off point and collection.
Very good service, would definitely use again and highly recommend.
July 22, 2019
Stress free and simple, I called the day before just to confirm my booking was still in place, drove down from Scotland and handed car over hassle free. Upon return called after collecting baggage after 5hr flight delay car arrived 15-20 minutes later...enough time for a Gregg's. Car did have some Mudd splats up the front and side maybe parked in a field or on grass but other than that worked out great for me.
July 9, 2019
I booked my meet and greet parking based on my flight dates, which unfortunately meant that my late evening return flight arrived the day after taking off.
I was charged £10 extra on picking up the car.
Original cost for 14 nights, £56 ( + £4 drop off fee), which made the extra £10 difficult to work out
Drivers both very courteous 10/10
Company flexibility 1/10
July 2, 2019
Dissapointed with the return pickup...expected to have our vehicle waiting outside for us but had to struggle with cases up to 2nd level of multi story car park and wait for the car to arrive....gave plenty of notice of time of arrival....never mind...lesson learned.
September 8, 2019